Sprinkled Donut

Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

The Use Of Antena in Telecomunnication engineering


Definition of Antenna

An antenna is an electrical device which converts electric power into radio waves. It is usually used with a radio transmitter or radio receiver. Antenna is one of the important elements that should be present on a radio telescope, TV, radar, and all other wireless communication devices. An antenna is a vital part of a transmitter or receiver that used to transmit radio signals into the air. The shape is various kinds according to the design, the pattern of the spread, frequency, and gain. The length of the antenna effectively is the wavelength of the emitted radio frequency. The half-wave dipole antenna is very popular because it’s easy to make and being able to transmit radio waves effectively.

Antenna Characters

There are a few important characters an antenna that needs to be considered in selecting the type of antenna for an application (including for use on a radio telescope), the radiation pattern, directivity, gain, and polarization. This characters are generally the same on an antenna, either when the antenna into radiate or into the receiver, for a given frequency, polarization, and areas of particular slices.

a.         Radiation pattern

Radiation pattern of an antenna is the plot 13-dimensional distribution of signals emitted by an antenna, or 3-dimensional plots levels of signal reception received byan antenna. The antenna radiation pattern is formed by two pieces of sliced field based radiation pattern, radiation pattern applies in the field direction elevation slices (elesi pattern). 3-dimensional radiation pattern this is generally referred to as a dipole antenna radiation pattern. An antenna signal  that as great as in any direction is referred to as isotropic antenna. Antenna like this will have a ball-shaped radiation pattern. However, if an antenna has a certain direction, where the distribution of the signal in the direction of greater than in the other direction, then this will have directivity antenna. The more specific direction distribution of a signal by an antenna, the antenna directivity.
Dipole antenna including non-directive antenna. With characters like these, many of the dipole antenna used for communication systems with a broad coverage area. On radio astronomy, the dipole antenna is used on a radio telescope for observing High Frequency range (HF). A form of data that can be obtained is the variability of the intensity of the signal emitted by an astronomical object. However, due to dipole antenna directivity on does not have a specific direction, radio telescope antenna using a single element of this type cannot be used to do the Imaging.
There are a few things to note in the pattern of radiation, the first is the  Half-power Beamwidth (HPBW), or commonly known as an antenna beamwidth. In radio astronomy, beamwidth is the spatial resolution of a radio telescope, is a minimum of twoAngular diameter fruit capable point separated by a radio telescope. In theory, the beamwidth for a parabolic antenna can be determined.

b.        Gain 

Gain (directive gain) antenna is a character that is associated with the ability of the antenna radiation signal, directing or receiving the signal from a certain direction. The gain is not the quantity that can be measured in physical units in general such as Watts, ohms, or another, but rather a form of comparison. Therefore, the units used for gain is decibels.
The gain of an antenna is fixed, the two notions are different between the gain of the antenna, transmit power and radiated power EIRP or, by lowering the transmit power will not change the gain of the antenna and radiation pattern, just lower the EIRP or the power is radiated into the air.
Antennas with low gain have different radiation pattern with a type that had big gains antenna. Radiation patterns of antennas with low gain are widened so that the emitted energy is distributed widely in sectoral (angle). While the antenna with gainhave a pattern of narrow, measured radiant energy is emitted not widens, but at the direction of the main glow, this energy can reach out to more distant places.
            The big gain of an antenna to determine the ability of the antenna to focus the energy of the emitted to a direction. Example: antenna with 20 dB gain is more focus than an antenna with a gain of 10 dB.

c.         Polarization

The polarization is defined as the direction of the orientation of the electric field. Dipole antenna has linear polarization (vertical or horizontal). Recognize the polarization of the antenna is very useful in communications systems, in particular for obtaining maxium efficiency in the transmission of the signal. On the application of the radio, WLAN and cellular radio, the polarization is vertical linear polarization. The antenna of the transmitter and receiver must be oriented vertically. While, in application of the TV broadcast, the polarization is horizontal linear polarization. And, in the application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), polarization use circular polarization. On radio astronomy, the goal of recognizing the polarization of the signal emitted by an astronomical object was to study the magnetic field of the object.

Antenna Types

a.         Based on the functions

Based on its functions, antenna divided into  transmitter antenna, receiver antenna, and the transmitter at the same time the receiver antenna. In Indonesia, the transmitter antennas used on radio stations and television. Then, the receiver antenna is usually used in devices such as radio, tv and other communication devices.

b.        Based on the gain

Based on the gain, antenna divided into VHF antenna and UHF antenna that usually used on TV. Let everyone know that the magnitude of the emissive power, will affect the magnitude of the signal reception of  television broadcasts in a certain place at a certain distance from the television transmitter station. The higher  of the emissive power, then the greater level of strength field of broadcast television. But the magnitude of the reception broadcast television is not only affected by the magnitude of the emissive power.
To increase the emissive power on the TV station and the power receive on the TV then you need to use an antenna.
            The magnitude of the gain of an antenna is affected by the number, antenna composition and the frequencies are used. UHF transmitter antenna will not be used for VHF TV transmitters because it will cause high VSWR. While VHF receiver antenna can receive the signal UHF, but the gain antenna will be smaller than it should be. The quality of the beam of a VHF transmitter with the quality of UHF transmitter is the same as long as its meet the requirements and specifications that have been determined.

c.         Based on the polarization

Based on polarization, antenna is divided into 2, dipole and monopole. Dipole antenna has a linier polarization vertical, meanwhile monopole antenna has a polarization only in one direction. With the characters like these, many of the dipole antenna used for communication systems with a broad coverage area.

-          Directional Antenna and Omnidirectional Antenna
            Directional antenna is emissive radiation pattern antenna was so that the effectiveness of the radio beam or only to one direction only, while the omnidirectional antenna can radiate wave to all directions. That includes the antenna directional antenna  Yagi model is like most antenna used as a recipient of the TV broadcast. The example is omnidirectional antenna is an antenna model groundplane.

d.        Based on shape

Antennas based on its shape, among others: mikrostrip, vee, parabola, horn, helix, and loops. Although very often encountered using a radio telescope parabolic antenna, there are some other type of anenna which is also often used in a telescope or radio interferometer. For example, the Mauritius Radio Telescope (MRT) which uses fruit-shaped antenna 1084 helix. Another example is a radio telescope antenna usingshaped horn, used by Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson when it discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Example antenna based on its shape, the parabolic antenna is a parabolic antenna is a parabolic antennas radiate signalswill be concentrated at the midpoint of the antenna. Usually parabolic antenna is designed for the Ultra High Frequency (UHF), receiver satellite TV broadcast, and microwave transmission.

The function of the antenna is to convert electrical signals into electromagnetic signals, and then radiate (release of electromagnetic energy into the air/free space). And the antenna can also serve to receive electromagnetic signals (receiver of electromagnetic energy of free space) and convert it into electrical signals. On the radar or satellite communication systems, often encountered an antenna that performs both functions (radiation and receiver) at once. But, on radio telescope, antenna just run the function of the receiver.

The Use of The Antenna

a.         The use of an antenna on the radio
The antenna is one of the important elements that must be present on a radio telescope. Its function is to convert electrical signals into electromagnetic signals, and then meradiasikannya. And vice versa, the antenna can also serve to receive electromagnetic signals and convert it into electrical signals. So the radio signal emitted by the radio station can be captured by radio.

b.        The use of antennas on television
Based on international regulations relating to the use of the frequency setting (Radio Regulations) for television broadcasting in the VHF and UHF frequency bands. History of television in Indonesia beginning in 1962 by TVRI in Jakarta by using VHF television transmitter. The construction of the transmitter TVRI walking quickly, especially after the launch of palapa satellite in 1975. In 1987, that is, the birth of the first private television broadcasting station in Indonesia, station TVRI transmitters has reached the number of approximately 200 stations transmitter using frequency VHF entirely, and the first private TV transmitters are given frequency allocation in the UHF bands. The wisdom of the use of the VHF frequency bands to TVRI and private for UHF. So to catch the broadcast TV UHF VHF antenna and used.

c.         The use of an antenna on the radar
Radar or Radio Detection and Ranging, is a system tool that emits electromagnetic waves in the form of radio waves and microwaves. The reflection of waves emitted last used to detect objects. Radar uses electromagnetic wave spectrum in the frequency range 300 MHz to 30 GHz or a wavelength of 1 cm to 1 meter. Radar system components :
1.      Transmitter to generate radio signals from oscillators.
2.      Waveguide is a liaison between the Transmitter and the antenna.
3.      Receiver is the recipient of the reflected radio signals
4.      Signal processor is a piece of equipment that converts analog signals into digital signals.
5.      Radar Controller is a connector that will deliver information to the user
The Impat of Antenna
This antenna has a positive and negative impact. Positive impact of accelerating the flow of information, easy access to the latest information, to help individuals in finding information, and share the files. The negative impact is there are radiation for used, if the antenna are struck by lightning then it can damage electronic devices.
From above discussion, it can be inferred that the antenna has a strong emissivity for broadcast television, radio and other communication devices, but the antenna would also have a negative impact, namely the affected radiation.

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