Sprinkled Donut

Rabu, 30 November 2016

A little Story

Live Story

My name is MARDATILA. In Al-Qur’an Mardatila its meaning “sesuatu yang di ridhoi Allah SWT”. Usually ma friends called me Marda/Mar/Da but ma family called me Ada. I was born in Riau June, 2nd 1997 and now i’m eighteen years old. Iam a first child and I have one sister. Her name is Mardiah. She was born in Riau July, 4th 2002 and now she’s thirteen years old. She is a student in Junior High School number 50 Palembang. And i dnt have brother.
My Mother name’s Yulianti. She was born in Palembang June, 6th 1972 and now she is forty three years old. My mother’s job is businessgirl, she have business like a tupperware. Mother for me its like a glow when i feel in the dark then she come give me sun light in order i can      take a walk. My father name’s Muhammad Yusuf. He was born in Palembang October, 18th 1966 and now he is forty nine years old. My father’s job is contractor. Father for me its like a wing when i dont know how to act, when i’m running out of time, when i going out of my mind then he come give me to help in order i can fly like a him.  I have a little story about my parent. After they married, they live in riau because thy want to live a way from their parent and when i’m 10 years old we moved to Palembang again.
I want to tell u about my format education, start from
Kindergarden : Kindergarden Dwipa Abadi Riau
Elementary School : - Elementary School Dwipa Abadi Riau
                                  - Elementary School number 2 Jambi
                                  - Elementary School number 52 Palembang
Junior High School : Junior High School number 42 Palembang
Senior High School : Senoir High School PUSRI palembang
And now i am a student of Politenik Negeri Sriwijaya Palembang, especially D3Telecommunication Engineering. After i finished my study i want continue to S1 and S2 and S3 ohh its my dream!!
Actually i dont know why i can lecture in this campus and i dont know why i choose telecommunication bcse my ambition i want to be a doctor especially dentist. When i already to finished my study in senior high school i follow all about test to look for the best university in indonesia, and finally i gave the best results because i accepted in 2 university in Palembang there are Universitas Sriwijaya special MIPA FISIKA and Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya special Telecommunication Engineering, its some condition that make me very confuse coz  i must choose one of the university. I ask to my parents, my teacher about the best university between 2 university finally i find the best answer and i find the best university its politeknik negeri sriwijaya, although i can’t be a doctor but i will be a telocommunication’s doctor and now i attempt to like this direction. In politeknik negeri sriwijaya i get 1TB class there are 22 studnt in this class.
            My hobby is drawing!! Now i can get a money from my hobby. I very like a drawing ussually i drawing when i feel freedom without many deadline. I like  a drawing like a doodle, zentangle, calicatur, typography, abstrak, artist and all about art i very like. And now in politeknik negeri sriwijaya i’m join in “UKM seni polsri”. When i feel boring, confuse, and tired i always take a pencil and drawing pen then i go to the garden and i drawing, with drawing i can to disappear all this felt that i felt and i feel happy again like a new. Ohyeah i have a comical story about my drawing. Tht time i feel very broken heart bcse of something as far as i am cry and thn i to scratch a paper and then i dnt knw what i draw, suddenly ma frinds ask me “hey can i buy ur drawing?” its make me very shocked and suddenly i laught, for me its the bad draw but for him its not bad.
            Oke i think that all about a little story about my live, i hope u dnt laught when u read this document.  

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